Smiles Dental Care i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneSmiles Dental Care



🕗 åbningstider

Nikagas Hingun, Malé, MV Maldives
kontakter telefon: +960 332-1040
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1724311, Longitude: 73.5085209

kommentar 5

  • en

    Modi Carlos


    This clinic is not good for anything. Its treatments are not worth it because they are not done properly. I highly dont recommend this place

  • Ledy Imelda

    Ledy Imelda


    Came there to cleaning my teeth, I pay 720 for medium cleaning and extra 250 for dental consultation that Im not asking.

  • Mohamed Shareef

    Mohamed Shareef


    Service was just ok. For 10 o’clock appointment they called my name on 10:45. Also reception area was bit noisy. Staffs were laughing loudly, maybe somebody was entertaining them too much.

  • Praveen Gaonkar

    Praveen Gaonkar


    Words can hardly express my appreciation for the exceptional treatment received at your clinic. I would like to thank Dr. Alna from India for an excellent treatment. I was surprised at the fact that there was a little or no pain involved, her attention to detail and her artistic talent is beyond description. The entire experience from contacting the clinic and communicating with doc was flawless. The clinic is beautiful and everyone is sincere, highly professional. I wish Dr. Alna all the very best and continue to do her great job to benefit his patients. God bless you Docy……. Best regards Praveen Gaonkar

  • Aminath Inan Abdul Muhsin

    Aminath Inan Abdul Muhsin


    Professional efficient and good customer service

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