My Clinic i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneMy Clinic



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Rah Dhebai Magu Road, Malé, MV Maldivas
kontakter telefon: +960 331-4656
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.176257, Longitude: 73.5105582

kommentar 3

  • Arthie Schwert

    Arthie Schwert


    It took them 15-30 minutes just to prepare the memo to consult the doc. Around 3:30pm I was informed that doctor will be coming at 4pm, and again informed that doctor is coming within few minutes since she got something else to do after 4 pm. Once I consulted her she the appointment for the tooth extraction for the next day morning, and again few minutes later I got informed that another doctor is coming to do the extraction, since the doctor is not available for the next day morning. And the doctor who came for the extraction wanted to take a x-ray. Therefore he took me to another room and tried to switch on the machine and the whole place lose the electricity, since there is an issue with the machine, surprisingly they knew about it before and didn't bother to check on it though. So doctor decided to proceed with the extraction. Once the extraction was done, doctor wanted to prescribe medication but he don't know the password for the PC, therefore he wrote it down (which doesn't allow me to take medicine via government medical insurance scheme AKA Aasandha). So after finishing all those I went to the reception to pay, again I had to wait for another 10-15 mins to get the final bill/memo. And I had to go through all those just for a single tooth extraction which I had to pay MVR2000.

  • Adam Muizzu Kamil

    Adam Muizzu Kamil


    Dentist services provided from here is great.

  • Badruddeen Naseem

    Badruddeen Naseem


    AAsandha accepted here and the service is excellent

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