Jamaluddin School i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneJamaluddin School


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167, Rah Dhebai Magu Road, 20167, Malé, MV Malediwy
kontakter telefon: +960 332-3736
internet side: www.jamaluddin.edu.mv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1728064, Longitude: 73.5096235

kommentar 5

  • en

    poun roja


    Great school.i studied there from grade 4 to 7 .has great teachers and a good atmosphere for a student

  • Hussain Shimal

    Hussain Shimal


    Jamaluddin, a government primary school, is the second primary school opened in Male’, the capital of Maldives. The school is named after the famous religious scholar Mohamed Jamaluddin, better known as Vaadhoo Dhanna Kaleyfaanu. The school was inaugurated on 16th of February 1985 by the former President of Maldives, His Excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom who laid the foundation of the building on 11thNovember 1979.

  • Som Chaudhuri

    Som Chaudhuri


    Located in Rahdhebai Magu, Male'. Started in 1985, is one of the oldest Primary School of Male'. Now it is a Secondary School. Good Teachers and Quality Education.

  • Adam Muizzu Kamil

    Adam Muizzu Kamil


    One of the oldest primary school. Now changed as secondary school

  • baaahu Shah

    baaahu Shah


    One of best schools in Malé, can do better.. Good teachers! New school doesn't have much of a play ground!

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