Centre for Higher Secondary Education i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneCentre for Higher Secondary Education


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Lily Magu, Malé, MV Maldives
kontakter telefon: +960 332-1330
internet side: www.chse.edu.mv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1766764, Longitude: 73.5108712

kommentar 5

  • Alwin Vallayil

    Alwin Vallayil


    CHSE is the best A' Level school in Maldives where the creamy layer students of entire Maldives come to study their A' Levels. In other words, you find the best brains of Maldives at CHSE. It prepares the students for Edexcel A'Level exams and is reputed for its well qualified, resourceful and experienced staff. The school also cater to the holistic development of the student through various extracurricular activities including arts and sports. There are about 600 students in each grade(11&12).

  • Adam Muizzu Kamil

    Adam Muizzu Kamil


    Oldest higher secondary school in Maldives

  • Badruddeen Naseem

    Badruddeen Naseem


    Most reputable institution for A'Level Studies run by the Government.

  • Hamdhoon Hameed

    Hamdhoon Hameed


    This is Maldives first and largest high school. The quality of education provided by CHSE is well known in the country.

  • Ahmed Yanaal

    Ahmed Yanaal


    Feels like Hogwarts. Why? Because it's old. But it's exiting to be there at the same time.

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