Round One Bookshop i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneRound One Bookshop



🕗 åbningstider

Bodurasgefaanu Magu, Malé, MV Maldiverne
kontakter telefon: +960 331-4760
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1729747, Longitude: 73.5121997

kommentar 5

  • Ibrahim Nihad

    Ibrahim Nihad


    ROB is one of the leading stationary shops in town..many products related to education is available on a reasonable rate..staff are friendly...the place consist ground and 1st floor..

  • VisTa Ayya

    VisTa Ayya


    Not bad

  • Ahmed Rasheed

    Ahmed Rasheed


    Round one book is one of the famous book shop in capital male and the Maldives. Most of the students need to buy stationary goods from Round one book shop. I can say Round one book shop is one of the best service provider to out community and from Round one bookshop can by vide range of books and stationery according to customer needs. So I can say thanks to Round one books shop management and other staffs

  • en

    Ahmed Hayyan


    Need some more informative books. Good bookshop all round

  • m mustho

    m mustho


    They have a huge selection of stationary and a good collection of books. Most items are cheap.

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