SeaHouse TopDeck Hotel Maldives i Malé

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MaldiverneSeaHouse TopDeck Hotel Maldives



🕗 åbningstider

Sheikh Abdhu'rahmaan Magu, Malé, MV Maldivas
kontakter telefon: +960 339-3333
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.174517, Longitude: 73.486246

kommentar 5

  • Som Chaudhuri

    Som Chaudhuri


    Just one minute walk from the ferry terminal. Rooms are nice and clean. Helpful staff. Good food. A small minmart is just beside. Walking distance from the Beach too. Can enjoy calm and peaceful environment in this residential island.

  • Aim Aim

    Aim Aim


    Didn't stay there but went for meals. The food was good. Staff was very nice and helpful.

  • en

    Rashna Sidhwa


    Seahorse Top Deck has clean rooms but a bit too tiny. Its on a residential island and close to the jetty which takes you to Male city in 10mins by ferry. Breakfast spead was good but cold and slow. Its near the divers lodge

  • es

    Carlos de Mena


    Esta bien, es limpio. Pero muy sencillo. Esta en una isla a 15 minutos en ferry de male. El ferry funciona 24h y es muy barato. El wifi no funcionaba muy bien aunque nos dieron acceso a la red wifi de los empleados y funciona mejor. La isla no tiene mucho atractivo, aunque la propia Male tampoco es una isla muy bonita.

  • Carlos Olmo Bosco

    Carlos Olmo Bosco


    La mejor relación calidad/precio en Male

nærmeste Spa

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