Rahdhebai Cafe' i Malé

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MaldiverneRahdhebai Cafe'



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Rah Dhebai Magu Road, Malé, MV Malediwy
kontakter telefon: +960
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Latitude: 4.1748101, Longitude: 73.5103164

kommentar 5

  • Phynix Reborn

    Phynix Reborn


    In mathematics, division by two or halving has also been called mediation or dimidiation.[1] The treatment of this as a different operation from multiplication and division by other numbers goes back to the ancient Egyptians, whose multiplication algorithm used division by two as one of its fundamental steps.[2] Some mathematicians as late as the sixteenth century continued to view halving as a separate operation,[3][4] and it often continues to be treated separately in modern computer programming.[5] Performing this operation is simple in decimal arithmetic, in the binary numeral system used in computer programming, and in other even-numbered bases. Contents 1 Binary 2 Binary floating point 3 Decimal 4 See also 5 References Binary In binary arithmetic, division by two can be performed by a bit shift operation that shifts the number one place to the right. This is a form of strength reduction optimization. For example, 1101001 in binary (the decimal number 105), shifted one place to the right, is 110100 (the decimal number 52): the lowest order bit, a 1, is removed. Similarly, division by any power of two 2k may be performed by right-shifting k positions. Because bit shifts are often much faster operations than division, replacing a division by a shift in this way can be a helpful step in program optimization.[5] However, for the sake of software portability and readability, it is often best to write programs using the division operation and trust in the compiler to perform this replacement.[6] An example from Common Lisp: (setq number #b1101001) ; #b1101001 — 105 (ash number -1) ; #b0110100 — 105 >> 1 ⇒ 52 (ash number -4) ; #b0000110 — 105 >> 4 ≡ 105 / 2⁴ ⇒ 6 The above statements, however, are not always true when dealing with dividing signed binary numbers. Shifting right by 1 bit will divide by two, always rounding down. However, in some languages, division of signed binary numbers round towards 0 (which, if the result is negative, means it rounds up). For example, Java is one such language: in Java, -3 / 2 evaluates to -1, whereas -3 >> 1 evaluates to -2. So in this case, the compiler cannot optimize division by two by replacing it by a bit shift, when the dividend could possibly be negative. Binary floating point In binary floating-point arithmetic, division by two can be performed by decreasing the exponent by one (as long as the result is not a subnormal number). Many programming languages provide functions that can be used to divide a floating point number by a power of two. For example, the Java programming language provides the method java.lang.Math.scalb for scaling by a power of two,[7] and the C programming language provides the function ldexp for the same purpose.[8] Decimal The following algorithm is for decimal. However, it can be used as a model to construct an algorithm for taking half of any number N in any even base. Write out N, putting a zero to its left. Go through the digits of N in overlapping pairs, writing down digits of the result from the following table. If first digit is Even Even Even Even Even Odd Odd Odd Odd Odd And second digit is 0 or 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or 7 8 or 9 0 or 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or 7 8 or 9 Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Example: 1738/2=? Write 01738. We will now work on finding the result. 01: even digit followed by 1, write 0. 17: odd digit followed by 7, write 8. 73: odd digit followed by 3, write 6. 38: odd digit followed by 8, write 9. Result: 0869. From the example one can see that 0 is even. If the last digit of N is odd digit one should add 0.5 to the result. See also One half Median, a value that splits a set of data values into two equal subsets Bisection, the partition of a geometric object into two equal halves Dimidiation, a heraldic method of joining two coats of arms by splitting their designs into halve

  • VisTa Ayya

    VisTa Ayya



  • en

    Abdulla Agil


    Good for a tea

  • Adam Muizzu Kamil

    Adam Muizzu Kamil


    Great tea place and food as well

  • Badruddeen Naseem

    Badruddeen Naseem


    Typical small teashop. They do have set breakfast, lunch and Dinner meals and its cheap.

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