National Museum i Malé

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MaldiverneNational Museum



🕗 åbningstider

Chaandhanee Magu, Malé, MV Maldives
kontakter telefon: +960 332-3206
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1772851, Longitude: 73.5101758

kommentar 5

  • Shahnewaz Ahmed

    Shahnewaz Ahmed


    Marvellous Construction on a large land. A place must to be visited.

  • Md Mahbub Hussain

    Md Mahbub Hussain


    What can go wrong in the capital itself, it’s brilliantly lit buildings, restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions will occupy you all day. Of course, such itinerary is suitable for those couples who enjoy exploring places. Why, Male is because, the international airport is located here, right from the time you reach, you can explore its surroundings. While here, you can take a dip in the protected ocean pool, Artificial Beach and indulge in underwater scooter riding and snorkeling. You can as well go sightseeing places like the Tsunami Monument, Grand Friday Mosque, Male Fish Market, Sultan Mosque and Male National Museum.

  • en

    md sharkar


    Just ride past page after long time ♥®

  • Esmile Niyax

    Esmile Niyax


    One of the best place to visit in Male’. You will be able to get more information about the history of the Republic of Maldives.

  • Norman Hafiz

    Norman Hafiz


    A must visit place when u are in Male. Exhibits the history of Maldives. Very informative and provides u the foundation to fall in love with Maldives.

nærmeste Museum

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