Muleeaage i Male' City

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Medhuziyaaraiy Magu, Male' City 20115, Maldiverne
kontakter telefon: +960 332-2100
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1775711, Longitude: 73.5123693

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohamed Saamy


    It is one of the most historical place in Maldives

  • Badruddeen Naseem

    Badruddeen Naseem


    Sultan Shamsuddin III built the former Presidential Palace, Muleeaage, for his son just before the First World War. However the Sultan was deposed and his son never took office. In 1953, with the declaration of the First Republic, the building was designated as the Presidential Palace and remained so until the new Presidential Palace at Theemuge was built. Now Hilaaleege is the official residence of the president and Theemuge is the Supreme Court.

  • Noman Yoosuf

    Noman Yoosuf


    The construction of Mulee’aage, was initiated in the year 1914 and completed in 1919. It was commissioned by Sultan Muhammad Shamsuddeen III for his son and heir Prince Hassan Izzuddin. It was built on the style of bungalows in vogue during the colonial era in Ceylon and completed in preparation for the return of Prince Hassan Izzuddin to Male’ in 1920 after completing his education at the Royal College of Colombo.

  • zh-Hant

    Wing k


    Built by Sultan in 1906. It was used as president residence. At present use as government official complex . 建於1906年的蘇丹皇朝。曾是總統住所。現為政府官方建築。

  • Ramlee Tamin

    Ramlee Tamin


    Former official residence for the President. It is very colourful and at a glance looks like a school. Located across the road from Friday Mosque. As the gate is closed it is not possible to see what's inside.

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