Marble Hotel i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneMarble Hotel



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Kanbaa Aisa Rani Hingun, Malé, MV Malediven
kontakter telefon: +960 330-2678
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.176911, Longitude: 73.502791

kommentar 5

  • Bikram R

    Bikram R


    Good place for seminar and hotel. Internet is okay. Food is good. Opposite of STO. In the heart of Male. Reception is good and friendly. Walkable distance from the sea beach. Hotel connects you to taxi and resort services.

  • Trip Rad

    Trip Rad


    Price = quality. I was satisfied with that but Internet is too slow. if no problems at checkin please do not ask booking confirmation and passport!! it is not comfort. good hotel confirms everything only passport.

  • Norman Hafiz

    Norman Hafiz


    Stayed at the highest floor for 1 night. Nice and cozy. Furniture is new. Room is clean, modern and refreshing.

  • Sana Ahmed

    Sana Ahmed


    Have been here for two purposes. One, the gym. It's a spacious place, with great instructors and new friends to make. Love being there. Another great thing about the place was that the food. It was just undeniably tasty. Ask for a perspective, they will serve with one of the most delicious dishes, ❤

  • Nihat kurtgozlu

    Nihat kurtgozlu


    Geceliği 50$ fiyatına göre gayet uygun, temiz ama benim gibi titiz uyuz müşteriler çarşafta yastıkta orda burda başkalarının kılını tüyünü görünce biraz kızar az daha gayret etmeleri lazım, çok gereksiz evrak kıl tüy işleri var gelince bir an önce odama çıkayım yatayım yapamıyorsunuz, yarım saat onu imzala bunu doldur bir sürü soruyu cevaplayıp, 500rufya depozito ödeyip anca odaya ulaşabiliyorsunuz, fakat tekrar giderim ve tavsiye ederim

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