Male' i Male

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Male', Maldives
kontakter telefon: +960
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Latitude: 4.1754959, Longitude: 73.5093474

kommentar 5

  • VisTa Ayya

    VisTa Ayya


    Malé is the densely populated capital of the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It's known for its mosques and colorful buildings. The Islamic Centre (Masjid-al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam) features a mosque, a library and a distinctive gold dome. Near the harbor, a popular fish market offers the day's catch, and a produce market is stocked with local

  • en

    Rasheedha Mohammadh


    Great people

  • Rashad Ujaimi

    Rashad Ujaimi


    Very romantic place to visit by couples , very friendly people and top class services

  • Smile DE Souza

    Smile DE Souza


    Nice island, but the traffic is very busy and crowded.

  • Jeffrey Williams

    Jeffrey Williams


    I was given a vision by the blue guy that I am to go to this island to meet the love of my life so that the half gnat half human god can be born to rule the world, looking for a ship and a few good men to set sail for this island. My name is ghuy dustewood a mighty pirate

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