Maldives Immigration i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaldiverneMaldives Immigration



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Ameer Ahmed Magu, 20096, Malé, MV Maldives
kontakter telefon: +960 333-0444
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.1782125, Longitude: 73.5129574

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Rasheed

    Ahmed Rasheed


    Maldives Imigration service

  • Aishath shify

    Aishath shify


    have been contacting 333-0444 this number from morning till afternoon but no avail, i guess the people working at immigration are least bother to answer.

  • Mehaboob Shaik

    Mehaboob Shaik


    Asalaam alaykum. I have been working in Maldives for the last 22 years as a teacher in public and private schools. I have suggestion to the ministry of immigration and emigration regarding visa procedure to expat teachers working in Maldives. Schools either public or private which apply visa for expat teachers are facing lots of difficulties to get their teachers on time to academic year. After submission of docs also the proceedings are too long and time consuming. Students are losing lots of lessons due to the late arrival of the expat teachers. Schools, students and parents are all in frustration due to the late arrival of the expat teachers. My suggestion is to give priority to the expat teachers visas and issue them as soon as possible so that teachers arrive early or ontime to their duties in the schools. Afterall the expat teachers are coming to teach Maldivian students, so they should get their visas as soon as possible. I request the dept. of immigrtion and emigrtion to think over my suggestion and get the teachers to the schools as soon as possible. Thanking you, Sheik Mehaboob Subhani.

  • en

    hala mashhood


    A small office in a building behind the hukury misikyi. They distribute the token early in the morning around 8 30 am and then u wait for your turn. Since 2nd Jan 2018 the system has been updated. Takes quite a long time for turn to come. So, the earlier you come to get the token the earlier u get ur turn.

  • Azam farish

    Azam farish


    The quality of the new passport is very poor. The gold color text and the emblem started to disappear after using it for an year.

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