Jumhooree Maidhaan (Republic Square) Musical Fountain i Malé

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MaldiverneJumhooree Maidhaan (Republic Square) Musical Fountain



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Malé, Maldivas
kontakter telefon: +960
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Latitude: 4.1792407, Longitude: 73.5106785

kommentar 5

  • Samith R Nanayakkara

    Samith R Nanayakkara


    Beautiful environment. Free relaxation without tiring

  • Noman Yoosuf

    Noman Yoosuf


    Musical Fountain The Musical Fountain, the first of its kind in Maldives was inaugurated by H.E President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on 25th July 2015. The opening of the fountain was part of the 50 years Independence Day celebration events. The Musical Fountain, was a gift that was given by MTCC to the people of Maldives. It’s an iconic landmark that was built with the vision of “Veyo”, the traditional baths that was used in the Maldives in the olden times. The concept was further developed with the modern ideas of a Musical Fountain. The Fountain has been designed as an interactive fountain where the water flows to the beats of the music, while kids and adults alike can interact with the water flow.

  • Ihsan Ali

    Ihsan Ali


    One of the few places to relax, for those residing and visiting Male'.

  • Jabed Hasan

    Jabed Hasan


    I visited this place in the early morning, The ambience is just awesome with cool breezes. Fountain is just opposite of the mosque

  • Adam Muizzu Kamil

    Adam Muizzu Kamil


    Its beautiful and one of the unique fountain with its design. Good place for kids to enjoy

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