Breakwater i Malé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Malé, Malediwy
kontakter telefon: +960 331-4543
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.1739136, Longitude: 73.5182065

kommentar 5

  • raya bulow

    raya bulow


    Nice view with great food

  • Sumit Raj

    Sumit Raj


    This place started off with a lot of promise but now you might be let down by the service. The place features good view of the artificial beach and the sea. The service is bad but the food is decent. Found the place a little run down when I visited it this time around.

  • Ahmed Rasheed

    Ahmed Rasheed


    Breakwater is one of my favorite cafe in the town good food and an enhancing beautiful view. Not too expensive. waiters need learn how to treat to customers. Sometimes take too much time to place the order, even that I like to visit Breakwater to discuss with friends.

  • Hussain Faiz

    Hussain Faiz


    Nyc food and an enhancing view. But a bit too expensive. Rude waiters who don't know how to greet the customers. We almost waited for more than 50 minutes to place the order, asked from 4 different waiters to take the order. Still no one came to take the order.

  • en

    David Dosa


    Very nice, clean place with a good variety of foods, and with okay prices. 415 MVR for an appetizer, a fulfilling lunch for two, and with a cocktail and coffee. The food is very good, the view is exceptional, unfortunately the waiting time is long, and the loud dance music close by is not very pleasant either. Can recommend of you like this kind of music and you're not in a hurry.

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